Anna Savina

Writer, Editor,  Content & Community Lead

Anna Savina is a content marketing leader with more than 8 years of experience in B2B SaaS. She enjoys all aspects of storytelling — from creative content development for case studies, webinars, and long-form reports to tracking campaign performance and working with Sales. Helping purpose-driven companies tell their story and engage their audiences is what motivates and excites her the most.

She believes that good stories can have a great impact and help companies build strong communities.

Anna also writes regularly about tech and creative industries. She interviewed numerous artists, startup founders, inventors, and curators as well as such well-known thinkers and creatives as John Maeda, Benjamin Bratton, David O'Reilly, among others. 

Selected articles

# How one engineering firm streamlined client feedback with the 'Add to Felt' QGIS plugin

# Felt for investigative journalism: mapping Malaysian deforestation

# Mapping protected territories: Westchester Land Trust case study

# Miro’s Ultimate Guide to Remote Work

# Transformation through design thinking: How BCG is leveraging Miro

# From thread count to part count: How to overcome the challenges of designing wearable tech

# Mapping the rise and fall of one of the most prominent artists’ communities in Brooklyn

# In a challenging Russian healthcare system doula Daria Utkina is an advocate for positive change

# Daito Manabe on choreographing equations and making use of deep brain data

# Encountering the other mind: How AI will shift our design process, and in turn, our cities
